Mechanical Engineering
Lifting One Boom at a Time

Our device aims to streamline the transportation process of large carbon fiber booms within
Redwire's Goleta facility. Currently, the task demands considerable time, and manpower, and
poses risks to both the booms and technicians involved. It typically requires nearly two hours
and a team of over a dozen technicians to transfer just one boom from the facility’s clean room
to an adjacent oven. This inefficiency is large because of the booms' fragility to deflection and
torsion, compounded by their extensive length, which can reach up to a hundred feet. Our
device, the Atlas, provides a rigid, lightweight, and modular frame to securely support the boom,
providing convenient support points to reduce risks to the boom’s integrity and minimizing the
need for multiple operators. Through a simple assembly process, the Atlas enables technicians
to safely and effortlessly transport the booms, streamlining coordination efforts and significantly
enhancing turnaround times.

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Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering