Computer Engineering
Arveng Technologies

The UCSB Hover Hand Team’s goal is to control a quadcopter drone using the Hover Hand. Recording of the hand may result in a more intuitive and precise method of control over the common RC controller. The glove will act as the transmitter to the drone’s receiver, relaying the chief flight controls. Recording hand movement in a way that allows the position and orientation to be accurately and meaningfully described is another important aspect of the glove’s operation. There are 6 key methods of motion control in a quadcopter’s flight: Forward/back, left/right, pitch (forward/back rotation), roll (left/right rotation), throttle, and yaw (horizontal rotation). These 6 types of movements must be mapped as hand movements or gestures in such a way that allows seamless control of the quadcopter. In order to model hand movements and gestures, sensors must be placed on the fingers and on the top of the hand.

Image Gallery
Flight Glove Happy Working Working PCB Pic Lab Flight


Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering