Matt DeVogelaere

Matt DeVogelaere
<p>Matthew DeVogelaere is a mechanical engineering student interested in aerospace and infrared technology. Matthew will graduate in Spring of 2017 with a bachelor’s degree, and will graduate the following year with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering with an emphasis on solid mechanics, structures, and materials. With this advanced degree, he plans to continue to work where he is currently interning—at Lockheed Martin’s Santa Barbara Focalplane—and help improve processes by optimizing material selection and innovating the implementation of these materials.</p>
<p>Matthew has been developing his leadership skills for years. In high school, he was the team captain of both the golf and basketball teams, and vice president of the National Honors Society. He vastly increased his leadership experience at UC Santa Barbara as the president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the UCSB Machine Shop Club. He also led a team of students to design and manufacture a structure in Isla Vista supporting solar panels to power lights for the local basketball court at night. Through these leadership experiences and many other individual machining and design projects, Matthew has enhanced his technical skills as an engineer, his leadership skills as a team member, and life skills as he has interacted and learned from many other engineering students and professors. </p>
<p>Matthew has put all these skills to the test during his internship with Lockheed Martin. Though he is one of the most recent additions to the mechanical engineering team, he has learned to lead while not in charge. Matthew has been assigned—and excelled at—many challenging tasks including testing, design, technical drawings, calculations, and leading the data collection and analysis for a large project. He is also using these skills as a member of his Capstone team, and has grown in his aptitude as a public speaker and presenter in the process. </p>
<p>Matthew has had a positive impact on his capstone teammates, coworkers, class peers, and members of his clubs due to his awareness of the needs of others while maintaining a balanced yet diligent work ethic. During his education at UC Santa Barbara, he has developed the ability to lead without being controlling, to handle countless responsibilities at once, to learn and solve problems without delay, and to enjoy it all despite the many challenges. Matthew hopes to grow in his ability to solve engineering problems as he continues with his Master’s degree next year, and appreciates the many opportunities that he has received during his engineering education at UC Santa Barbara. </p>