Mechanical Engineering
Stay safe, swage safe
Strand Products

Approximately 2000 incidents per year are associated with manual wire-swaging processes
using press machines. Motivated by the concern about the rate of amputation injuries, our
engineering team is developing a safety-enhancing device aimed at mitigating risks while
boosting efficiency. The device allows operators to maintain a safer distance from the press
machine by automating wire insertion, alignment, and rotation. By integrating two-button
controls, operators can safely rotate the wire while the press is active, reducing the need for
manual intervention near the hazardous area. Our goal is to enhance workplace safety and
streamline the swaging process, ultimately increasing productivity and output. Through this
innovation, we hope to create a safer and more efficient working environment for operators in
wire-swaging industries.

Image Gallery
SwageSafe Electronics Height Alignment Mounted on Press All Components


Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
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Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering