
InspeCO2 is IMPRESS’s solution to monitor your carbon footprint. InspeCO2 is the control system for IMPRESS Lidar, a research project at UCSB for the NASA ASCENDS program. IMPRESS Lidar’s goal is to create a Lidar system to detect and map CO2 in the atmosphere. InspeCO2 incorporates the hardware and software from IMPRESS Lidar into a control system and user friendly interface. The ability to use IMPRESS Lidar’s photonic integrated circuit technology over existing discrete technology is critical because it decreases the cost, size, weight and power of these systems. Miniaturizing the CO2 sensing system enhances the performance of the system and allows it to be carried on a satellite or drone for more frequent measurements without producing excess CO2. With InspeCO2’s control system and user interface, IMPRESS Lidar is the best option for CO2 sensing in space applications.