Mechanical Engineering
Frog don't clog
Dressaire Lab

Microplastic pollution is a significant problem that can negatively affect marine ecosystems. Zooplankton, the smallest animals in the ocean, can consume microplastics and their ability to reproduce can be negatively impacted, leading to cascading effects on all marine life. The problem is further compounded by the limited research into the filtration of microplastics. The focus of our project is to develop bio-inspired filters for the efficient removal of microplastics and other pollutants from water. We believe that hairy surfaces, which are widely used in nature for filtering food from water, can be adapted to serve as effective filters for microplastics. To this end, we have designed and fabricated three bio-inspired filters using commonly available materials and plan to evaluate their performance under different conditions using a gravity-driven test setup. Ultimately, we hope that our research will contribute to the development of more effective and sustainable filtration technologies for microplastics and other pollutants in water, benefiting both marine ecosystems and human health.

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Mechanical Engineering
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Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
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Mechanical Engineering
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Mechanical Engineering