Madeline Dippel


Madeline is the team lead for the Thermal and Structural subgroups of the FLIR Security Camera capstone project. Madeline is a honors student in Mechanical Engineering, enrolled in the 5-year MS/BS program at UCSB. For the past two years, she has served as the President of UCSB's section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). In this role, she has helped coordinate outreach, professional development, and networking events with the help of her officer board.   

In addition to her leadership and organizational activities, Madeline also performed Materials Science research in Professor Levi's lab for a little over a year, studying thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) for jet turbines and also participating in the RISE program in summer of 2015. Madeline completed an internship at GE Global Research last summer where she performed research on next generation environmental barrier coatings, and is currently working as a Mechanical Engineering intern at Continental AG. She is passionate about the field of Mechanical Engineering, and is excited to move onto full-time graduate studies next year, hoping to eventually pursue a career in mechanical design upon completion of her MS! 
