
Non-contact optical thermometers are becoming increasingly important for both doctor's offices and at home use. However, these devices lose accuracy over time and can be inaccurate to up to ± 0.5 degrees Celsius. These inaccuracies in a thermometer can potentially lead to a fever being misdiagnosed, which is often a symptom of a more serious, underlying disease.
Small, lightweight, and easy to use, our device serves as a simple and affordable way to test the accuracy of a thermometer. The device is a metal plate that will heat up to a specific temperature and act as a reference point. Using it is as simple as plugging it in, waiting for it to heat up, pointing a thermometer at the device, and verifying that the thermometer display reads the same temperature as the display on our device. Our device will ensure doctors are using accurate thermometers and allow them to take readings with confidence.