Empowering Movement at Home
Lab D4H

According to the CDC, 41% of children born with cerebral palsy are unable to walk independently, meaning that for the rest of their lives, they will need to use a hand-held mobility device or a wheelchair to do what’s easy and essential for us. Since physical therapy is more effective the younger a child is due to their high neuroplasticity and rapid growth, it is essential to begin treatment as soon and as consistently as possible. This raises the challenge that the shortage of qualified physical therapists cannot match the high demand for treatment. BabyBot strives to fill the gap by providing automated ball therapy, one of the most effective forms of treatment to strengthen their trunk muscles and prepare a child for walking. By using automated devices, we are able to evade the high costs for one-off treatments and the need to be physically at clinics during very specific time slots. Therefore, it can drastically expand the accessibility and availability of ball therapy treatments with the hope of giving more children around the world the ability to walk.

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